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Monday, January 4, 2010

Smiling At the Future In the North Woods

"Strength and dignity are her clothing and she smiles at the future." Prov. 31:25 NAS

Our family spent Christmas together at our lake house in the north woods of Wisconsin. Four out of our five families were able to make it up there to celebrate the holidays. Our oldest son, Ethan, couldn't come. He pastors a church in Alaska. Christmas is a big time for churches. so we always miss his family during our Christmas gatherings. But, even without them, we had a week of nineteen of us living together under one roof. A lot came out of that time. Our children are old enough now that I am surprised at how much I learn from them.

I was talking to Katie. She and Norman and their four children are planning a trip to Zambia with the Navigators in June. So I asked her, "Katie, that seems like a lot to take a family of six to Africa. Are you scared?"

She replied, "Mom, Last year I got breast cancer smack dab in the middle of an Illinois corn field. That seems like the safest place on earth. Now I want to live my life to the fullest! We are as safe in Africa as we are in the midwest if we're in the Lord's will. I just want to be where God wants me to be."

I looked at her and realized that God had done a work in her through her cancer. Instead of becoming a fearful apprehensive person, she was "smiling at the future." How does God do that? His ways are so much higher than ours. He really does take our afflictions and make us more like Him if we walk "through the valley" with our hand in His - trusting Him.

"But, Katie! Malaria, AIDS, snakes, your children. You hate spiders!"

I didn't say that. I was ashamed of my own fear. What about me? Have I come through this nightmare of her cancer "smiling at the future?" Or, am I going to shrink back from life in a spirit of fear thinking, "Woe is me, what next?"

When the children were growing up I told them, "Troubles can make you bitter or better. Either choice takes an equal amount of energy."

When we choose to trust God and make the choice to be like the Proverbs 31 woman and "smile at the future," we know that whatever God allows into our lives, He will use to make us better people - and so much more useful to Him.

Thanks for reminding me, my dear daughter, that I believe that. Thanks for teaching me. Onward to Africa!!


  1. Thanks Betsy! Proverbs 31 was my small group bible study's name in college! With Proverbs 3:5 & 6 to meditate on and now your encouagement, I think I'm definitely being reminded to trust my Lord a lot more. See you on Sunday! Love, Kerry

  2. Such a great reminder! Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Thanks, Betsy. Katie is an inspiration and a gift. Her faith has always amazed me and strengthened me, as well.

  4. Ummm.....day 5 and only two posts!
