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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Diamonds, Rubies, and Knowledge of God's Word

"There is gold and a multitude of rubies
But the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel." Prov. 20:15

Have you noticed how often life changing experiences occur as a result of telephone calls or unexpected knockings on your front door? This verse reminds me of one door-knocking life changer that I experienced years ago.

It was a beautiful spring morning in Conway, Arkansas. After getting the four teenagers off to school in a whirlwind of lunch making activity, I settled down for my morning cup of coffee. Taking a sip, I was surprised to hear  the doorbell ring. I got up and opened the front door of our yellow house on the hill, and there she stood! The first thing I noticed were her cornflower blue eyes. They were so beautiful that I just stared into them. I mean I didn't say anything. I just looked at her.

She broke the silence saying, "Hello, my name is Geneva White and I heard Christians live here!"

"Yes" I replied, looking at her feeling a bit puzzled, "We are and we do!"

"Well," she said beaming at me, "I am visiting my family up the street and I thought I'd come and meet you this morning."

 As I contemplated her statement, it occurred to me she had to be over eighty years old. Behind the drop dead gorgeous eyes, was a very white head of hair pulled back in a neat bun. (Of course, Geneva White would have a white bun!) My gaze went back to those wonderful eyes and my mouth started talking. Enough staring for now!

"Well, come on in," I invited. "How about if I make us a cup of tea?" Forget the coffee cooling on the counter! Isn't tea what eighty year olds drink?

Apparently she did, because she came in and settled herself down in my grandfather's rocking chair. She smoothed the skirt of her blue dress - yes it matched the eyes - and we drank tea and talked and talked. We shared our mutual love of Jesus and it was like we'd known each other for years. After what seemed like the world's fastest hour, she got up and said, "Well, I must be heading back, but we'll keep in touch." Watching her hand on the railing as she carefully maneuvered down our high steps, I thought "Maybe we will. It's possible."

Little did I know that over the next five years,  Geneva, of the cornflower eyes, and I would exchange Gospel tracts, notes, and even phone calls. Little did I know even more...her visit would change my life!

As I put the pillow back on the rocking chair and put away the empty tea cup, the thought came into my head, "If I get there, that's how I'd like to be when I'm in my eighties! A little old lady that can bless the socks off people talking about Jesus!"

What made her so special - besides the fact that she could climb my steps at eighty, ring my doorbell and look at me out of eyes that were the mirror of her soul?" Why did our conversation have such an impact on me? These were the questions I pondered about Miss Geneva in the days and weeks that followed her visit. Day after day, the same answer came loud and clear. She knew the Word of God like the back of her vein gnarled hands. Throughout our conversation, she quoted it and applied it to every question I asked. It was fascinating and I could have talked to her all day, handing her cups of tea, watching her rock, and listening to her wisdom.

"The lips of knowledge are a precious jewel." I'd seen it in this little God-sent lady, and I thought, "That's what I want to be when I grow up! A little old lady who will gladly sit in her rocker and share about Jesus, maybe even passing on a little Godly wisdom!" So, ever since that life changing doorbell ring, I have intentionally read the Bible and memorized Scripture with that goal.

It's funny, but now people come to my door and ask me questions about their life journeys. They call me on the telephone and say things like, "There's something I'd like to talk to you about." I reply, "Well, I'm not that smart, but let's look at what the Word of God says." Then we pray and hopefully they have more clarity into the Scriptures and will decide for themselves what the Holy Spirit is leading them to do. My prayer is that their questions will cause them to memorize Scripture because "There is gold and a multitude of rubies, But the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel."

"Ah, Geneva, one hour of your time gave my life true direction. Now,  when I am eighty and go visiting, when I climb front porch stairs, I will look up at Heaven and see cornflower blue eyes smiling at me!"