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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Levity From Leviticus

Reading Through the Bible in 2010 (Lev. 6-9)

After reading the first nine chapters of the book of Leviticus, you might need a little humor to spur you on. I thought this was very funny.

Charlie and I and my friend, Betsy all went to high school together. Yesterday she sent me an e-mail. (I'll call her Betsy "I" to avoid confusion.) She was chit chatting and encouraging me to keep writing this blog. Then she asked,

"Charlie, did I ever mention my encounter with our dear little advanced algebra teacher a number of years ago?" (She didn't address me because I'm sure she remembered that my English major type mind never ventured to0 close to higher math classes.)

Betsy "I" proceeded, " I was visiting Oakridge Gardens' - the convalescent home - and there she was sitting up straight and erect in a wheelchair in the hall. I approached her with a greeting and introduced myself. She was very sweet and polite. She looked at me and said, "Let me see, I may have forgotten ...ah, just WHO is your coefficient???"

Betsy went on to say, "I no longer knew what that word MEANT but I knew she was referring to my husband. She was asking me who I'd married."

Thanks, Betsy "I" for taking time to give me a great laugh as I progressed along my joyful journey through Leviticus.

Do greet your "Coefficient" for me!

Love, Betsy "II"

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