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Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Power of the Resurrection

"that I may know Him and power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,"     Philippians 3:10

It is the day before Easter.  I am writing this at the lake sitting before the drop dead gorgeous desk my son built for my birthday this year.  The desk is made of cherry and every time I use it, I run my fingers over the smooth beauty of the wood.  Outside, it is snowing - big huge snowflakes on top of the snow that has been piling up like crazy since December.  Snowflakes, so thick I can hardly see the frozen ice,  cling like ornaments to hemlock trees beyond my windows.  Beautiful wood inside and beautiful woods outside. I love it, but lots of people in Wisconsin are not happy to see snow the day before Easter.

It was the day before Easter, two thousand years ago.  Another small group of people were much more unhappy than today's spring starved Wisconsinites.  The followers of Jesus Christ were suffering deeply. They did not know it was the day before Easter.  They only knew their pain was beyond belief. The day before, they had witnessed death in the most graphic form ever seen by men. They had been there as the man they believed to be the very Son of God was arrested, beaten, crowned with a crown made of thorns, scourged, and crucified before their eyes on a Roman cross.  After six more hours of horrific watching, they had seen a sword thrust into His dead body and an outpouring of blood and water.  They knew His ravaged remains had been taken down from the tree and placed in a grave site  impossible to enter because of a huge stone that rested against the door. Soldiers guarded it, on watch day and night, should any get the idea of removing the body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Friday night they must have wakened many times with images of their beloved friend and Savior filling their minds.  It was the day before Easter - one day in the lives of a group of Jesus's followers who understood now the fellowship of His sufferings.

What if in the midst of their hopelessness, they had made a suicide pact?  They could have done it, like the hundreds of followers of Jim Jones. What if they said, "Let's just die with Him.  Life is no longer worth living?" The next morning, all of them dead in the upper room.  Surely the Author of all Evil placed that consideration in their minds?  I mean, what was to become of them now?  What if they became the laughing stock of the people?  What if in the morning the Pharisees and Sanhedrin hunted them down and delivered them to the Roman soldiers?  Would they be crucified themselves and left to hang along the winding road up to Jerusalem as examples of treason? That's what they did to followers of men who rebelled against Rome?  Why not them?  What if, what if, what if?

But they didn't quit....they may have thought of opting out of life, but they didn't.  They entered into the fellowship of His sufferings and got up the next morning.  A sorry group they were, but they stood. They stood the whole day before Easter and the next night before the Lord's Day!  Did they remember that Jesus had said things like, "My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it  again.  No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself.  I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again." John 10:17-18?  They remembered something because they all made it through the day before Easter. Not one of them was lost in the emptiness of that long day and the next night...the night before Easter.

And then....on the first day of the week!  The disciple who Jesus loved tells us that  "Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, "Peace be with you." Now when He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord."  John 20:19-20.

You better believe they were glad!  There He was - their Savior and Lord - standing before them! In one day they went from the excruciating pain of experiencing the fellowship of His sufferings to the exhilarating wonder of entering the power of His Resurrection!

The story of Easter: His suffering and the power of His resurrection has changed the world!

"But now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.  For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead." I Corinthians 15:20-21

Because He lives!

But, think about it, man had a part to play in this amazing drama too. There is also a fellowship in His sufferings that we are mysteriously called to. What if the disciples had given up and denied Him the day before Easter?  The what ifs again!  What if they had all died in a despondent suicidal group? What if the Jerusalem Post's headlines throughout eternity were:  "Jesus Rises After Death By Crucifixion: Followers Found Dead!"?  A very different story.

Jesus always uses His people to build His church.  He calls people - us little dustballs - to walk with Him through the fellowship of His sufferings to experience the power of His resurrection. I don't understand a microcosm of why the great God of heaven who can do all things, has chosen to need the likes of us for anything. The likes of me, the likes of you, His disciples? Incredible, the mystery of the church of Jesus Christ!  But I want to say to you, this Saturday, this day before Easter, that you are as important to Him as even, yes even, His disciples.  You are called to stay on His path.  Stick with Him through whatever may be the "what if"s" of life in the fellowship of His sufferings that He has currently called you into, because, tomorrow, tomorrow is Easter!  You will want to be a part of it and a part of all the Easters He has written in His book for you.  He has planned them before the foundation of the world. Be like the disciples. Be there no matter what it takes - and watch Him walk through your door on Resurrection Morning.

Happy Easter, dear friends,
He is risen!  He is risen indeed!!!!


  1. Thank you, Betsy, for that great message leading into the BEST day of the year! Blessed RESURRECTION Day!

  2. Blessed Resurrection Day to you too, dear friend. It is the best day of our Christian celebrations, that's for sure! He is risen indeed!
